You can bring your mail to one of the closest office of our 880 units around Turkey until 18.00 on weekdays and 17.00 on Saturday. We give you a copy of your invoice after your mail is calculated in terms of weight and size.
If you mail to be delivered to recipient's address, it is delivered after ID check is made by our cargo personnel. If the delivery personnel cannot find the recipient at the address, leaves a "Cargo Notice" and return the mail the nearest branch. In this case, the recipient or the authorized person needs to pick up the mail from the office in 3 days.
You can request delivery to the nearest Yurtiçi Kargo branch for the recipient to pick up; or you can ask for call notification service "Hello You’ve Got Mail" to inform the recipient about the mail.
Click to see the nearest branch.
Mobile YurtiçiKargo
Everything about Yurtiçi Kargo is on the App Store and Google Play!